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30% AEDG Technical Support Documents

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Technical Support Document: Development of the Advanced Energy Design Guide for Small Office Buildings
Jarnagin RE, B Liu, DW Winiarski, MF McBride, L Suharli, and D Walden. 2006. Technical Support Document: Development of the Advanced Energy Design Guide for Small Office Buildings. PNNL-16250, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA.  (November 2006)

This Technical Support Document (TSD) describes the process and methodology for the development of the Advanced Energy Design Guide for Small Office Buildings (AEDG-SO) including the charge given to the committee in developing the office guide and an outline of the schedule for the development effort. The report also documents the modeling assumptions used in the simulations for both the baseline and advanced buildings. Final efficiency recommendations for each climate zone are included, along with the results of the energy simulations indicating an average energy savings over all buildings and climates of approximately 38%.

Technical Support Document: Development of the Advanced Energy Design Guide for Small Retail Buildings
Liu B, RE Jarnagin, DW Winiarski, W Jiang, MF McBride, and C Crall. 2006. Technical Support Document: The Development of the Advanced Energy Design Guide for Small Retail Buildings.  PNNL-16031, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA.  (September 2006)

This Technical Support Document (TSD) describes the process and methodology for the development of theAdvanced Energy Design Guide for Small Retail Buildings (AEDG-SR) including the charge given to the committee in developing the office guide and an outline of the schedule for the development effort. The report details how the energy analysis was performed in support of the guide and documents the development of the recommendation criteria.

Technical Support Document: Development of the Advanced Energy Design Guide for K-12 School – 30% Energy Savings
S. Pless, P. Torcellini, N Long. 2007. Technical Support Document: The Development of the Advanced Energy Design Guide for K-12 Schools – 30% Energy Savings.  NREL/TP-551-42114, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, CO.  (September 2007)

This Technical Support Document (TSD) describes the process and methodology for the development of theAdvanced Energy Design Guide for K-12 School Buildings (AEDG-K12), a design guidance document intended to provide recommendations for achieving 30% whole building energy savings in K-12 schools over levels achieved by following the ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-1999, Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings.

Technical Support Document: Development of the Advanced Energy Design Guide for Small Warehouses and Self storage Buildings
Liu B, RE Jarnagin, W Jiang, and K Gowri. 2007. Technical Support Document: The Development of the Advanced Energy Design Guide for Small Warehouses and Self storage Buildings. PNNL-17056, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA.  (December 2007)

This Technical Support Document (TSD) describes the process and methodology for development of the Advanced Energy Design Guide for Small Warehouse and Self-storage Buildings (AEDG-WH or the Guide), a design guidance document intended to provide recommendations for achieving 30% energy savings in small warehouses over levels contained in ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-1999, Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings. The report details how the energy analysis was performed in support of the guide and documents the development of the recommendation criteria.

Technical Support Document: Development of the Advanced Energy Design Guide for Highway Lodging Buildings Jiang W, RE Jarnagin, K Gowri, M McBride, and B Liu. 2008. Technical Support Document: The Development of the Advanced Energy Design Guide for Highway Lodging Buildings. PNNL-17875, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA

This Technical Support Document (TSD) describes the process and methodology for development of the Advanced Energy Design Guide for Highway Lodgings (AEDG-HL or the Guide), a design guidance document intended to provide recommendations for achieving 30% energy savings in highway lodging properties over levels contained inANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-1999, Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings. The report details how the energy analysis was performed in support of the guide and documents the development of the recommendation criteria.

Technical Support Document: Development of the Advanced Energy Design Guide for Small Hospitals and Healthcare Facilities
Bonnema, E.; Doebber, I; Pless,S; Torcellini,P. 2010. Technical Support Document: Development of an Advanced Energy Design Guide for Small Hospitals and Healthcare Facilities – 30% Guide. TP-550-46314, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, CO.

This Technical Support Document (TSD) describes the process and methodology for development of the Advanced Energy Design Guide for Small Hospitals and Healthcare Facilities (AEDG-SHC or the Guide), a design guidance document intended to provide recommendations for achieving 30% energy savings in small hospitals and healthcare facilities over levels contained in ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-1999, Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings. The report details how the energy analysis was performed in support of the guide and documents the development of the recommendation criteria.
